Sandwich-Bag Smoothies


It is never too early to introduce children to cooking experiences. Exposing children to a variety of tastes and textures in their early years is significant for their sensory development and positive registration of healthy food. (Read this article to find out more) One way to promote this is through the introduction of healthy food in experiences. One experience can be to invite children to blend their own smoothies. Using a zip-lock bag with pieces of fruit – babies can press, squeeze, and blend the fruit – resulting in a freshly prepared smoothie for them to drink.

Promote learning by:

  • Placing small cut-up fruit in a zip lock sandwich bag and providing children with an opportunity to press & blend the fruit together using the palm of their hands. This provides babies the opportunity to learn to co-ordinate their hand and eye movements so that they can begin manipulating objects.
  • Empowering children to feel and explore the movement and texture in the bag. Providing children with an opportunity to develop, connect with, or respond to their sense of touch.
  • Babies will experiment with their hands, such as pressing with their palm or poking with their index finger.

Nutritious food fuels children’s bodies and promotes optimal growth and development. Through invitations of exploring a variety of nutritious food, children develop an increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles and good nutrition – becoming healthy and happy citizens.

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