Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry Muffins


Enjoy a special experience baking with your child, whilst simultaneously engaging with literacy, numeracy, and science concepts… and ultimately eating a yummy, but healthy treat! A Blueberry Muffins…

Promote learning by:

  1. Involving your child in the process as much as possible. This means:
    • Shopping for the ingredients together
    • Preparing to cook by washing both your and their hands
    • Identifying all of the ingredients using their name
    • Reading the recipe together
    • Measuring all of the ingredients together
    • Describing what ingredients look like and how they change as others are added
    • Working together to mix and combine the ingredients
    • Asking “I wonder how…?” questions (e.g., how did the flour go from wet to dry?)
    • Talking about cooking safety when using the oven/electric mixers
    • Encourage your child to look at, sniff, touch and taste (lick/bite) the cooked muffins
  2. Cooking with your child will promote trying new foods and eating healthily.
TAGS: Cooking

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