What’s new at Nido?

5 Benefits Of Early Childhood Education

The evidence is irrefutable. The benefits that children get from a quality early childhood education are enormous and have a positive and lasting impact on their lives through their school years and beyond. The Perry Preschool Program*, a groundbreaking and definitive study which tracked participants through school and into adulthood,...
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3 ways a learning environment creates a solid foundation of experiences in early childhood education

The fascinating effect of your immediate surroundings on productivity, learning and creativity has been closely studied in recent years. Google’s Headquarters (known as Googleflex), located in Mountain View, California, features slides, sleeping booths, pool tables and brightly coloured décor, all for the purpose of creating the optimum platform for productivity...
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The Importance of Positive Language for a Child’s Self-Perception

The concept of positive reinforcement can have a dramatic impact on how a child views the world. Positivity is, perhaps, the greatest tool we as parents, caregivers and early childhood educators have regarding the on-going mental health of a child. Low self-esteem is a growing problem around the world. As...
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4 Great Benefits of An Early Learning Centre for Your Child

Selecting the right early learning centre is so much more than simply a place that looks after your child. Because it’s at this age, probably more than at any time in their life, that the foundation of the person your child’s going to become is being created. These formative years...
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Children Are Perfect: We just help them stay that way

From the moment our children enter the world they're shaped by everything around them. Every child is born as a perfect canvas - primed and ready to absorb the world around them - with the learning and experiences a child encounters during their early formative years shaping how their brain...
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It’s Hard Being 3: Confessions of a Threenager

So you've survived the first year, breezed through the terrible twos (well, kind of) and now it's time to brace yourself for the delights of being the parent or guardian of a threenager. An alternative look at why the threenage years strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest...
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30 years on: The Conventions of the Rights of a Child

We celebrate Children's Day on the 28th October, and 2020 sees the day mark a significant milestone – the 30th anniversary on the Convention on the Rights of a Child. This profound treaty was one of the most momentous of all time and, while children around the globe have benefited,...
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Early Childhood Educators’ Day: Celebrating this vital role

Watching children explore, learn and grow is truly joyous. During these formative years every experience, from the wonder of watching a handful of sand dribble through their fingers to activities, such as hide ‘n' seek, play a crucial part in their well-being and healthy development. No-one knows this better than...
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Nido Supports Bread Tags For Wheelchairs

It's the little things that count, and they don't come much smaller than the humble plastic bread tag. The Bread Tags for Change initiative is the perfect example of how lots of people taking the smallest of actions can add up to an enormous difference. And Nido is delighted to...
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Exceeding National Quality Standards: Nido Early School, Tuggerah

Nido Early School are delighted to announce that their school in Tuggerah NSW has been rated as EXCEEDING the National Quality Standards. This is fantastic news for everyone involved - the children, their parents & caregivers and, of course, the passionate staff responsible for this well-deserved accolade. What Are The...
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