What’s new at Nido?

Everything You Need To Know About The Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy focusing on preschool and primary education. It was created after WWII by a teacher in Reggio Emilia, Italy, which is where the approach gets its name. After the war, educators and families believed that children needed new ways of learning, to cultivate...
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More Growth For Internationally Acclaimed Early Childhood Learning Centres In Australia

Acclaimed as one of the world’s leading early childhood education philosophies, the Reggio Emilia approach has become one of the most highly sought-after and highly regarded influencers in early education in Australia - and the good news is that more and more Reggio Emilia inspired schools are opening across the country....
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Building Confidence In Your Child Prior To Early School

Wouldn’t we all love our kids to have positive self-esteem and healthy self-confidence? How can parents help to build confidence in our child before they make that first big move into an early school environment? The first thing to know is that there are many things that parents can do...
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The Importance Of Learning Through Play For Children

Experts agree that play is one of the most important ways that children learn and prepare for life, as well as being a crucial activity for igniting and stimulating a love of learning. Play is vital for the development of the brain and helps to build children’s communication skills, to...
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Why Creative Expression Is So Important For Children

Most people talk about ‘creative expression’ in terms of the outcome. They see a painting, a story, a sculpture, a song, a dance sequence, a play or even just a tangle of string at the end of a craft session as the all-important end result of the creative activity. But...
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Why Art Is So Important During The Early Years

It’s no secret that young children love arts and crafts, but did you know just how important these activities are during the early years? Making art gives children an opportunity to explore, observe, interact with their environment, and figure out how things work. It also helps them learn and develop...
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The Importance Of Fine-Tuning Your Child’s Motor Skills Before School

The development of sound fine and gross motor skills is crucial in early childhood. The worrying thing is that as the use of electronic devices increases, so do the detrimental effects on the development of these essential skills. Although playing a game on an iPad may keep children occupied, extensive...
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The Importance of Nutrition For Children

Making sure that children eat a balanced and nutritious combination of food is an essential part of their development. Children are constantly growing, and they need the right nutrients to help them maintain a healthy weight, recover quickly from illness, build up strong bones and muscles, and keep up their...
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Healthy Lifestyles For Children

Everyone wants their children to be healthy and happy, but it can be easy to slip into bad habits when you are busy. It can be tempting as you rush around for school, work and weekend activities, to simply order takeaway meals and relax in front of the TV. But...
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Mindfulness For Children

We hear the term ‘mindfulness’ a lot these days and much has been said about the positive effects of consciously focusing attention on the present moment and noticing what’s happening at that particular point in time. Mindfulness isn’t only acknowledged by those who practise it as being a tool for...
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