Letter recognition


Children will use the found gum nuts to form the first letter of their name.

Promote learning by:

Initiate this experience by asking your child what the first letter of their name is and to describe how the letter looks. Does the letter have straight lines or curved lines? If the child has not learned their letter names yet, direct this discussion yourself rather than asking them questions to answer.

Next, demonstrate how you would create the first letter of your name (or ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad). On the flat surface, pour some of the gum nuts you are using and let them spread over the surface. Using your hands, begin to shape the first letter of your name, ensuring your child is watching you do so.

Guide your child in pouring some of the gum nuts onto a flat surface. This pouring motion will not only enhance fine-motor skills, but will also help with wrist movements and precision to keep the materials on the surface. Allow the child to ‘play’ with the gum nuts and then guide them to shape them into the first letter of their name.

To further extend this experience, children could create their whole first name, their first name and last name or the name of their favourite animal.

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