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The Importance Of Fine-Tuning Your Child’s Motor Skills Before School

The development of sound fine and gross motor skills is crucial in early childhood. The worrying thing is that as the use of electronic devices increases, so do the detrimental effects on the development of these essential skills. Although playing a game on an iPad may keep children occupied, extensive...
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The Importance of Nutrition For Children

Making sure that children eat a balanced and nutritious combination of food is an essential part of their development. Children are constantly growing, and they need the right nutrients to help them maintain a healthy weight, recover quickly from illness, build up strong bones and muscles, and keep up their...
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Healthy Lifestyles For Children

Everyone wants their children to be healthy and happy, but it can be easy to slip into bad habits when you are busy. It can be tempting as you rush around for school, work and weekend activities, to simply order takeaway meals and relax in front of the TV. But...
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Mindfulness For Children

We hear the term ‘mindfulness’ a lot these days and much has been said about the positive effects of consciously focusing attention on the present moment and noticing what’s happening at that particular point in time. Mindfulness isn’t only acknowledged by those who practise it as being a tool for...
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5 Benefits Of Early Childhood Education

The evidence is irrefutable. The benefits that children get from a quality early childhood education are enormous and have a positive and lasting impact on their lives through their school years and beyond. The Perry Preschool Program*, a groundbreaking and definitive study which tracked participants through school and into adulthood,...
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3 ways a learning environment creates a solid foundation of experiences in early childhood education

The fascinating effect of your immediate surroundings on productivity, learning and creativity has been closely studied in recent years. Google’s Headquarters (known as Googleflex), located in Mountain View, California, features slides, sleeping booths, pool tables and brightly coloured décor, all for the purpose of creating the optimum platform for productivity...
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The Importance of Positive Language for a Child’s Self-Perception

The concept of positive reinforcement can have a dramatic impact on how a child views the world. Positivity is, perhaps, the greatest tool we as parents, caregivers and early childhood educators have regarding the on-going mental health of a child. Low self-esteem is a growing problem around the world. As...
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4 Great Benefits of An Early Learning Centre for Your Child

Selecting the right early learning centre is so much more than simply a place that looks after your child. Because it’s at this age, probably more than at any time in their life, that the foundation of the person your child’s going to become is being created. These formative years...
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Children Are Perfect: We just help them stay that way

From the moment our children enter the world they're shaped by everything around them. Every child is born as a perfect canvas - primed and ready to absorb the world around them - with the learning and experiences a child encounters during their early formative years shaping how their brain...
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It’s Hard Being 3: Confessions of a Threenager

So you've survived the first year, breezed through the terrible twos (well, kind of) and now it's time to brace yourself for the delights of being the parent or guardian of a threenager. An alternative look at why the threenage years strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest...
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