Sport at Nido Early School

At Nido Early School, we recognise the vital role that sport plays in the development of children. Incorporating physical activity into our learning framework aligns seamlessly with the Reggio Emilia approach, which emphasises the importance of nurturing a child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being through experiential learning.

Our sport activities are designed to be age-appropriate, engaging, and fun, ensuring that every child participates with enthusiasm. Whether it’s through structured games or free play, children develop gross motor skills, coordination, and a love for physical activity.

Many of our early schools host regular sport incursions, where external coaches and companies are invited to introduce new sports and activities. These incursions not only diversify the sports experience but also expose children to different physical skills and disciplines. They provide an exciting break from the usual routine and inspire children to try new things, promoting an appreciation for staying active.

Through our commitment to incorporating sport into our curriculum, Nido helps children build a strong foundation for a healthy lifestyle, teaching them the value of physical activity, teamwork, and perseverance from an early age.

To find a Nido child care centre near you, visit our Early Schools website.