The Importance of Open Outdoor Space at Nido

Open outdoor spaces play an important role in child development, as these environments provide a range of benefits that nurture physical, cognitive, and emotional growth during a child’s early years.

Outdoor spaces offer natural settings for exploration and discovery, stimulating children’s curiosity and creativity. At Nido, we encourage hands-on learning experiences, where children can interact with nature and engage in sensory activities like gardening or outdoor art projects. This fosters a deeper connection with the environment and allows them to be in control of their own learning.

Outdoor play also promotes physical development and a healthy lifestyle, allowing for gross motor activities such as running, jumping, and climbing, essential for building strength, coordination, and balance. Plus, exposure to natural light and fresh air enhances overall well-being, contributing to better concentration and mood regulation, which are all important for effective learning.

Outside areas provide opportunities for social interaction and emotional development. Collaborative play and group activities promote communication skills, teamwork, and conflict resolution, building positive relationships among peers, whilst unstructured play in natural settings promotes resilience and risk-taking, teaching children to navigate challenges and develop self-confidence.

Embracing the Reggio Emilia approach, Nido Early School recognises the impact of open outdoor spaces on early childhood development and creates environments that honour children’s curiosity, creativity, and agency. These spaces become vibrant hubs of learning where every child can thrive.

If you are passionate about early learning education and interested in the Reggio Emilia approach Nido Early School is inspired by, visit our career page.