The Benefits of Kindergarten for Your Child at Nido

We understand that parents want the best for their children, which is why the choice of where to send them for early education is important. Parents seek environments that not only care for our children, but also lay a strong foundation for their future learning. In this pursuit, Nido offers unique benefits compared to government-funded kindergartens.

5 Benefits of Nido Kindergarten

At Nido, we provide exceptional education and care for children aged six weeks to school age. Drawing inspiration from the Reggio Emilia philosophy, our approach ensures that every child’s early education journey is filled with meaningful experiences.

1. Unique Features of Nido

Long day care at Nido provides convenience and peace of mind for busy parents. Our flexible schedules cater to the diverse needs of families, allowing parents to balance work and life commitments effortlessly. With extended hours, parents can rest assured that their child’s care needs are met. Additionally, our chef-created meals eliminate the hassle of packing lunches, ensuring that children enjoy nutritious and delicious food prepared fresh every day.

We believe in creating environments that stimulate curiosity and creativity. Our early schools boast vibrant piazzas designed to encourage a sense of community among children, educators, and families. Additionally, our ateliers provide spaces for art, messy play, and projects that extend beyond a single day. These art spaces respect children’s work and encourage open-ended exploration, nurturing their cognitive and creative abilities. 

2. Play-Based Curriculum

One of the distinguishing factors of Nido is our focus on providing a play-based curriculum for children aged three years old and above. Recognising the importance of early exposure to educational concepts, we offer a kindergarten curriculum designed to prepare children for school. Our programs are crafted to optimise social and emotional development, ensuring that every child receives the best possible start in their educational journey. 

3. Addressing Parental Concerns

We understand that parents seek the best for their children, which is why we address common concerns such as the perceived superiority of government-funded kindergartens. While these alternatives may seem cost-effective, Nido offers a superior level of education and care for children aged three and above. Our commitment to exceeding quality practices ensures that your child will spend their day with Bachelor-level early childhood teachers, setting them on a path towards future success.

4. Nido’s Kindergarten Programs

Nido’s three-year-old and four-year-old kindergarten programs are specially designed to provide the necessary skills and knowledge for a seamless transition into primary school. Our programs emphasise literacy, numeracy, socialisation and problem-solving with fully qualified teachers, ensuring children are well-prepared for the next stage of their educational journey.

Related Read: How Nido Kinder Prepares Children for School

5. Nurturing Kindergarten Environment

Reflective of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, our curriculum caters to all children’s interests, and we see the environment as the ‘third teacher’, meaning our physical spaces are set up in a way that encourages exploration and engagement. We believe in the importance of building relationships, encouraging involvement and participation with families and the community.

At Nido Early School, our kindergarten programs are designed to support children’s learning, development, and well-being, using the Early Years Learning Framework to plan engaging learning experiences. Join us in nurturing the next generation of confident, lifelong learners at Nido. For more information, please visit our website